Writing process
11 Writing drafts
What is the purpose
Most experienced writers would agree that in addition to pre-writing strategies, writing, revising and rewriting drafts are the basis for successful writing. You must be prepared to write a ‘rough’ draft, revise it, then continue to draft, then revise until the text is ready for the audience.
Which part do I start with?
There is no rule which part of the manuscript to start with. Many researchers start by drafting the methods section. Feel free to draft the remaining sections in whatever order works best for you.
One technique is the so-called ‘Écriture automatique’:
Write the first version of the text spontaneously and quickly. André Breton[1] rediscovered this age-old technique in the 1920s. It recommends writing fast and intuitively without constraining yourself with the censorship or control of reason.
Many university lecturers give students the option to hand in drafts. The feedback you will receive will help you see whether you are on the right track or not. If the draft is to be marked, make sure you know the exact requirements.

- André Breton (1896-1966) was a French writer and poet and one of the most important thinkers of Surrealism. ↵