Guidelines on APA or DIN citation standard
This chapter presents:
- The most common cases of the APA citation system when used as in-text reference according to the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e. APA 7), released in October 2019.
- Examples of the most common cases of APA references in the list of references according to the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e. APA 7), released in October 2019.
- Examples of the most common cases of footnotes and DIN citation standard in the list of references
1. The APA citation system in in-text references
The basis of APA citation system is the brief in-text reference. The emphasis is on the date a work was created. Readers find more information about the source in the bibliography. Find clear guidelines on the standard APA requires for in-text references if, for example, referring to a book written by one author.
Book (1 author): surname & year of publication
Example intext citation
One work/ book with 2 authors: name both authors, each time you cite the work. The word ‘and’ between the two names within text, and the ampersand & in brackets.
A work with three or more authors:List only the first author’s surname followed by et al. in every citation.
Example in-text citation
Belcher et al. (2011) found….
Unknown author: if there is no author refer to the work, the title takes author position. Cite the whole title or the first few words in brackets. If you refer to titles of books and reports in your text, the titles are italicized; titles of articles, chapters and webpages are in quotation marks.
Two or more works within the same parentheses: These should be ordered in the same way as they appear in the bibliography. If the same author published works in the same year, these are distinguished by the suffixes a, b, c and so on after the year.If works by different authors are cited within the same parentheses these are separated by semicolons.
Group as authors/ institutional author: When citing a corporation or agency as a source, simply list the year of the study in parentheses. If you do not mention agency in the text, write it out entirely, along with the year. In subsequent citations you can abbreviate the name.
Example in-text citation
The Environmental Protection Agency (2007) issued an alarming report on global warming.
A study (The Environmental Protection Agency, 2007) predicted….
Continued ozone depletion may result in widespread skin cancer (EPA, 2007).
Citing a source found in another source:If you you discover a quotation or idea mentioned in another author’s book/ article try to find the original source. Otherwise indicate that you use an indirect source, using the phrase as cited in.
In your reference list you only list the source you used. You do not need to include the indirect source.
Example in-text citation
“I dream of space full of wonder. […] When I place the first line on paper to capture the dream, the dream becomes less” (Kahn, 1944 as cited in Frampton, 1995, p.212)
De Groot’s study on chess expertise (as cited in Kirschner, Sweller, & Clark, 2006) is…
Citing specific parts of a source: When a specific idea is taken from a source, paraphrased or quoted, the page should be indicated. Page and chapter are abbreviated in text citations (page = p.; pages= pp., chapter = cha.)
Unknown author or date: If no author or date is given, use the title in the text or the first word or two of the title in the brackets and n.d. for ‘no date’.
Sources without page numbers: Electronic sources often lack page numbers. Then try to include information that enables readers to find the passage such as heading or section name, or a paragraph number.
Example in-text citation
Citing personal communications (also confidential): These include interviews as well as letters, emails. These are not included in the reference list because they are not retrievable data; they should be cited in the text only. The surname and initials of the person(s), together with as exact a date as possible are given. Reference should be made in the text to their inclusion in any relevant appendix.
Example in-text citation:
M. Hofstetter (interview/personal communication, October 20, 2012) agrees…( see Appendix A for details)
Personal communication (MH, or no initial, 2012) confirmed….
Citing Wikipedia: When referring Wikipedia, the title of the page takes author position, plus year of publication.
Example in-text citation
As APA Style (2020) explains….
“APA Style is a writing style and format for academic documents such as scholarly journal articles and books” (APA Style, 2020).
Citing non-text material: Writers who photocopy and use visuals – a chart, a table, a diagram, or another form of non-text material – must cite the source of that material immediately following the caption of the visual or in the list of tables and figures.
Example in-text citation
Figure 1: Development of house prices in the Canary Islands. In Krollo, 2009, p. 45.
(full details appear in list of tables and figures).
Citing FROM a website: When you cite a particular document or piece of information from a website, include both a reference list entry and an in-text citation. For intext citations you include author and date as with any other APA Style citation.
Where no author is indicated, cite the title (or the first few words of the title if it is very long), and the year of publication.
If there is no date, include the abbreviation n.d.
Example in-text citation
Lopez (n.d.) points out….
Pulses have more benefits than disadvantages (What are Pulses?, n.d.).
Cite magazine or newspaper articles: surname and date (or n.d.)
Example in-text citation
(O’Hehir, 2008) or According to O’Hehir (2008)
Citing TED talk or YouTube: For online material/ presentations use again the author, date principle.
Example in-text citation
Palmer (2013) or (Palmer, 2013)
TED (2013)
2. List of references (according to APA citation standard)
Let us see what you already know.
The order of entries in the bibliography should be arranged in alphabetical order of the first author. If there is no author, the title moves to author position, and the entry is alphabetised by the first significant word in the title. Go to the bibliography of this book to see an example.
Please note:
- If no date of publication is available, write (n.d.)
- If there is no author, start with the title. Letter of the first ‘real’ word indicates the position in the bibliography.
- In the title of a non- periodical, or of an article or chapter, capitalise only the first word in the title as well as nouns that need capital letters such as names.
- Book title, article title or journal article title. Use a period at the end of each title.
- Book titles are italicized. Only the first word of titles and subtitles are capitalized; all other words are lowercase.
- Article titles are given no italics or quotation marks.
- Periodical titles, journal titles, newspaper titles are italicized like book titles
Examples how to list your various sources
APA Citation style/ dealing with confidential sources
When writing project reports for industry some information obtained might be confidential. This can be either personal communication or internal documents (e.g. from the intranet).
Do the following:
1) Ask the company for permission.
2) If you have permission, you can cite the information as ‘personal communication’ because it cannot be retrieved by everyone.
3) Since the information is not retrievable it is only referred within the text (intext) but not listed in the list of references.
According to a confidential ABB document (personal communication, 16 September 2019), “ABB employees will….”.
For not-confidential documents but which are not accessible to the reader (because it is for example on the intranet), add a footnot in the list of references.
Name/ organisation (Year, month, day). Document name [type of document]. http://website
ABB (2016, September, 23). Guidelines employees. [guidelines].…
In the text:
Internal documents show (ABB, 2016) that….
Please note:
- If no date of publication is available, write (n.d.)
- If there is no author, start with the title. Letter of the first ‘real’ word indicates the position in the bibliography.
- In the title of a non- periodical, or of an article or chapter, capitalise only the first word in the title as well as nouns that need capital letters such as names.
- For long URLs you can shorten them by going to
For more information on referring to electronic sources go to APA’s own website. HSLU library also provides access to their Style Guide to Electronic References.
3. Foot notes or DIN citation standard
A standard often used by architects is a German standard: DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung). In-text citations are based on footnotes with superscript markers 1. This system acknowledges the author, year of publication and page number (if necessary) on the same page without interrupting the flow of the text.
Examples for in-text ciations
The same principle is applied when paraphrasing or summarising information from previous research just without quotation marks. More examples for direct and indirect quotations are provided in Chapter on in-text citations.

Bibliography/ list of references (DIN standard)
Order: List the entries in alphabetical order.
Examples of how to list various sources
Missing information:
- Use n.d. (no date) if no year of publication is provided.